
My little girl is a snacker. She doesn’t eat large meals, she just grazes throughout the day. In order to prevent her from becoming a Cheerio or Cheddar Bunny I wanted to make her some snacks. I’ve found that as she is broadening her palate her vegetable consumption has gone down. I figured some Sweet Potato Chips would satisfy her snacking while making me a little more happier about what she is eating.

Sweet Potato Chips

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1 large Sweet Potato

2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil

1 Tbsp Ground Cinnamon ( you can use nutmeg or salt if you’d like)

Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees. (I’ve found slowly dehydrating the chips works better than cooking them at a higher temperature for a shorter time.)

Slice the Sweet Potato using a mandolin. I use the super thin setting. Place the chips on a tinfoil lined cookie sheet and brush them lightly with vegetable oil. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon over the top and bake for approximately 1 hour.